Apartment re-flooring project

Concreting apartment floors • Concrete mortar flooring • Estrich apartment flooring

We develop the project with the building authority’s approval for concreting floors in an apartment using the concrete Estrich screed technology as well as provide advice on floating concrete floors

Submit documents

in the most convenient way

  • Land Register and inventory file (cadastral survey file)

  • Description or sketch of the alteration to be carried out, photos

  • Submit by email, WhatsApp, or in the office, receive approval and invoice

Receive the project

within 2–5 working days

  • Consultations by phone, WhatsApp, or email

  • 24/7 access to project files

  • Service also available outside Latvia (remotely)

After the approval

Start construction works

  • Complete the construction works within five years

  • Easy commissioning in BIS system

  • Consultations with BIS, the building authority, and us

Description for concreting apartment floors

(text for information purposes only)

Estrich screed flooring was first constructed in Latvia in the 2000s using German technology.

Cement screed flooring is cold- and heat-resistant and possesses good adhesion and durability. Cement screed floors are called ‘floating concrete floors’ because they are installed on top of an insulation layer without being attached to the load-bearing elements of the building.

A reinforced concrete slab with an appropriate layer of insulation on top is used as the base for cement mortar flooring.


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A team of three can install 30–40 m2 of Estrich concrete flooring in an hour and up to 250 m2 in a day.

A pump-mixer is used to lay the flooring – it blows concrete through a hose that can reach heights of up to 100 m.

Concreting can be carried out in both warm and cold weather by adding antifreeze additives to the mix. The minimum recommended working temperature is -10 °C outdoors and +5 °C indoors.

Polypropylene fibres are added to the mortar mix, protecting the floor from microscopic cracks and eliminating the need for reinforcing mesh.

The concreting may be carried out in sections to avoid cracks during the drying process.

Concrete is laid using a laser leveller with an accuracy of about 1 mm/1 m.

When laying semi-dry concrete flooring, the timely installation of utilities in the floor (water, drainage, electricity) must be taken into account.

With dry Estrich concrete flooring there is no need to worry about moisture release and water leakage into the apartment.

The concrete mortar flooring can be lightly walked on after 6 hours and loaded after 1–3 days, with a full curing time of 28 days.

After preparation of Estrich concrete flooring, floor coverings such as tiles, laminate, or parquet can be laid without additional surface treatment.

The maximum thickness of the concrete floor layer is calculated by the structural engineer taking into account the load calculations.


Project costs:

For standard apartments throughout Latvia – EUR 15/m2

  • Minimum price for the project – starting from EUR 450
  • Survey by a structural engineer –  starting from EUR 150
  • Costs for other types of apartments – upon agreement
  • Additional expenses for building work insurance, building permit fee, etc.

Project content:

Apartment plan with flooring types

  • Explanatory description of the works to be carried out
  • Sections for flooring constructions
  • Flooring load calculations

To be considered:

Re-planning, etc. – an additional project

  • The building authority may require residents’ approval
  • Concreting is to be carried out by a certified company
  • Fine for illegal construction –
    up to EUR 2 000