Re-planning legalization
Flat rebuilding legalization • Illegal flat rebuilding • Arbitrary flat rebuilding
Arbitrary rebuilding legalization
We help legalize the rebuilding in the following cases:

Kitchen combined with a room

Toilet combined with a bathroom

Loggia attached to the flat

Constructed or re-built door openings

Removed or constructed partitions

Other individual cases according to the situation
Evaluation of existing documents and photo fixations of premises
Technical inspection and preparation of an opinion
Development and agreeing of construction documents in the building authority
Re-building of premises, if the layout does not conform to the requirements of the regulatory enactments
Re-building of structures, if they do not conform to the safety requirements
Cadastral surveying and commissioning
• Illegal construction legalization in the building authority is agreed as new construction.
• If re-building affects the joint property, the consent of other owners of the building will be necessary.
• Fine for arbitrary construction for a natural person is up to EUR 2000 and cadastral tax up to 3%.